Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Walker Nature Center

What a wonderful day for a field trip! It gave me, and both Abby and Katie (the folks who work at the Nature Center) warm and fuzzy feelings to see so many of you there. Sure, it was a little chilly at first (see picture of Brian ...)

but it warmed up nicely. For your blog assignment, I suggest the following... If you already have a blog that you maintain, go ahead and write about your experience on the field trip and post the link on the BlackBoard site under 'Discussion Board'.

If you don't already have a blog, the easiest thing to do is to probably go to and sign up for a free one. Construct your blog post and paste the URL on the BlackBoard location listed above. To post it on the discussion board, create a thread and write something like 'Click here to read my blog'. Highlight the 'here' and hyperlink it to the URL of your blog entry. That's what I did and it worked quite well.

What should your blog have in it? Well, what did you see and what did you learn? Did the 102 class make you any more useful on a hike than you were before you took the class? Did you see any examples of anything we talked about in class? Nature is outside, you know, not in the classroom.

Have fun! Be creative.

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